Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scars Fade

As I'm sure you can tell, blogging is not something I am able to do on a consistent basis. I've tried. I've wanted to. But, most times, I just simply have no clue what to write. Apparently, I need inspiration. Something that strikes to the very core of me in order to write about it. Let's face it - I'm not a writer. I'd love to be, but without inspiration, I truly have a block that keeps me from writing anything meaningful. And if I try, it reads as gibberish.

Well, as I'm sure you've assumed by now, inspiration has struck. In a manner of speaking. I know what I'm wanting to write about; I'm just having a difficult time getting the right words down. So, let's just start with this:

There was once a girl, who loved a boy very much. Sadly, she had to say good-bye to him because their love wasn't enough to keep them together. He was her true first love. She had known no greater pain than what was caused by her whole world coming down around her. She thought, surely, there is no coming back from this. The hurt was too great. Her heart was in pieces; one of which he still had. And, she thought, he always would. How, then, could she ever fully heal? Well, as we all know, time truly heals. We tend not to believe so when in the thick of our most difficult trials, but it does all the same. If we take that time, combine it with good friendships and the love of family, then we have a powerful concoction indeed. No hurt can withstand it. Deep enough wounds may leave scars, but scars fade. You'll always remember how the scar came to be, but the pain is no longer present. There is a wonderful, poignant line from the movie Kung Fu Panda 2: "You've got to let go of the stuff from the past – because it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now." How true that is... Not only is that single quote responsible for lifting the seemingly crushing weight and fog of heartbreak, it is also the catalyst for a complete shift in this girl's thinking. Because of that, with the love and support from her family and dear friends, she was able to rise above the hurt and pain... And leave it all behind. Her heart may not yet be whole, but she's ok with that. He meant enough to her he can hold onto a piece - for a little while longer.