Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yesterday, I picked up some boxes of mine I had missed in the move out of Don's house. As I was getting ready to put them in my storage unit today, I decided to go through them to see if whatever was in there was even worth keeping. In doing so, I came across a poem I had written a couple of years ago that I had completely forgotten about. As I read over it, I was flooded with an overwhelming feeling of happiness from the memories brought to the surface by these simple words. I wrote them in 2009, just a few short months into the beginning of mine and Don's relationship. Even though we are no longer together, this poem and the subsequent memories really do not bring about the hurt and pain one might expect to experience. Those first months of "Us" was truly the happiest time of my life. How could I not look back on them with fondness? Sure, something deep in me aches when I think of how it all went wrong, but I refuse to let that ruin or taint the memories I have of him and our time together. They deserve more than that. Anyhow, I will share the poem seeing as it is what inspired this post. Enjoy! And thanks for reading.


So this is love, they sang
Cinderella and her prince
How funny it really is
They knew nothing of this

"This" is our love
And "This" is our time
"This" is something exceptional
Truly quite fit for rhyme

No words could do justice
To how you make me feel
You are my one true love
My prince with the glass heel

Cinderella's story may only be
One of fairytale lore
But mine has just started
With the man I adore

~Cara Baker '09

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